
Keeping Your Kids Safe on Social Media

July 1, 2024
Claire Spencer

The US Surgeon General recently recommended a label on social media platforms warning of mental health impact on adolescents. 

Regardless of what happens next, the announcement alone elevates the conversation to new heights. Combine that with constant news coverage on social media addiction, schools banning phones, and ways to reduce screen time, and you can see a shift occurring. People are looking to reclaim the time and attention we currently give to our phones.

That shift is also evident in the thousands of families who have adopted Aro in their homes to solve this for their own families. We can’t wait for the government to step in, corporations to police themselves, or schools to ban phones. Solving this problem starts at home.

Here are eight tips to help you talk about the dangers and benefits of social media with your kids.

1. Start Early and Stay Involved

Kicking things off early is key! The U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, emphasizes the importance of talking to your kids about the potential dangers of social media from a young age. It’s like prepping them for the digital world with a solid roadmap. 

Engaging in open and honest conversations about online behavior builds a foundation of trust and awareness. Plus, research shows that ongoing parental involvement helps kids navigate social media more safely. 

2. Educate Yourself

Before you can guide your kids through the maze of social media, you need to get the lay of the land yourself. Parents have to get familiar with the social media apps their kids use, from privacy settings to potential risks. 

According to studies, 75% of parents are already on at least one social media platform, which is a great start! Keeping up with the latest trends and updates ensures you can give relevant advice and address any concerns your child might have. 

3. Set Clear Boundaries and Rules

Creating a social media game plan with your kids is a must! Set some ground rules about screen time, what’s cool to post, and what’s not. 

Clear boundaries help keep things safe and healthy as only 60% of teens use privacy settings consistently. So, get those privacy settings sorted and make sure your kids know how to use them. Boundaries make everything smoother and safer!

4. Highlight the Benefits

Sure, social media has its risks, but it also has some awesome perks! Let your kids know how it can keep them connected with friends and family, especially those far away. 

Social media can boost social support and reduce loneliness. Plus, YouTube and other platforms are gold mines for learning new things and helping with schoolwork. Showing them the positive side can make them appreciate social media while staying aware of the potential dangers.

5. Address the Dangers

It’s super important to talk about the not-so-fun stuff too. Cyberbullying is a big issue—37% of teens aged 12 to 17 have experienced it. Make sure your kid knows how to handle and report it. 

Additionally, the FBI says there are over 500,000 online predators active daily. So, chat about how too much social media can affect mental health.

Many studies also link high social media use to increased anxiety and depression. Keeping them informed can make a huge difference!

6. Promote Healthy Habits

Balance is everything! The American Heart Association recommends kids have no more than two hours of recreational screen time per day. Encourage your child to take breaks and do fun offline activities. 

Taking regular breaks from social media can improve mental health. Get them into activities that boost well-being, like exercise, hobbies, and family time. It’s all about keeping a healthy balance!

7. Model Good Behavior

Your kids are always watching, so be their social media role model. Parents’ social media habits greatly influence their kids. Be mindful of what you share and how you interact online. 

Show them the importance of being respectful and positive. By setting a good example, you’ll help them develop healthy online habits.

8. Encourage Critical Thinking

Help your kids become savvy digital citizens. Teach them to think critically about what they see online. A Stanford University study revealed that 82% of middle school students struggle to tell the difference between sponsored content and real news. 

Show them how to verify sources and spot misinformation. Discuss digital footprints and how their online actions can impact their future. 

Also, be reminded that 35% of college admissions officers check applicants’ social media profiles. Encouraging critical thinking now will pay off big time later.

Start a Healthy Social Media Habits with Aro

Social media is here to stay, and helping your kids use it responsibly is crucial. Start early, stay involved, and keep the conversation going. Equip them with the knowledge and tools they need to enjoy the benefits while staying safe.

However, we all know it’s easier said than done. That’s where Aro can help. Aro is the first in-home digital wellness solution designed specifically for families. It helps everyone put down their phones and be fully present, reducing screen time and boosting quality time together.

Aro ensures you don’t miss out on what’s most important by making it easy to develop healthier phone habits. If you want to change your family’s digital habits and improve your quality time, check out Aro and start building stronger family connections today.

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