#1 - Tanner Clark on finding your one second of strength

Episode Summary
Tanner Clark is a motivational speaker who believes that teens really can live their best life and reach their potential. Our conversation dives into his message of hope that, even though teenagers are facing difficult challenges, whether anxiety, depression, or feelings of comparison, they can overcome them by finding their “one second of strength.” Tanner also talks practically about the opportunity parents have to show their kids how much they love them by being fully present without the distraction of their phones. Drawing on his experience speaking to thousands and also as a Dad at home, he offers an inspiring challenge for parents and a hopeful message to kids.
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Episode Transcript
Tanner (00:05):
I go in and I help teenagers recognize what these devices are doing to their brain, help 'em understand it, and then I help 'em find their second of strength to overcome it. And a second of strength. I just believe that there is one moment with anything you want to do, that you can overcome it, and it just takes one single second of strength to take that step, to advance your life, to delete TikTok, to put your phone away, whatever it is, and that is the moment that's gonna change your life forever.
Joey (00:32):
Welcome to the Aro podcast. It is your good friend Joey Odom, co-founder of Aro. We're so excited you're here and I'm excited for you because you get to listen today to an interview with Tanner Clark, who has been one of my friends for years. He is a motivational speaker. He's a teen advocate. He talks to kids a lot about self-worth and self-love and the impact of social media. He has a really cool concept he'll talk about too, which is the one second of strength. And he talks to kids about this all the time. This was recorded live at the beautiful Bolt Farm Treehouse, Tanner, and I had a great time talking, catching up, and I think that you might just love it. Friends, you're in for a treat. We got a big one today. We have former Jenks Trojan, and really, if you're a former, you're always a Jenks Trojan. We have three point assassin defensive specialist all around. Great guy. My friend of years, Tanner Clark is in the house.
Tanner (01:36):
How's it going? We did win the championship freshman year of high school.
Joey (01:40):
I, I don't think we need to remind anybody that we won the freshman championship. Yeah.
Tanner (01:44):
It's on a plaque somewhere.
Joey (01:45):
It is on a plaque somewhere. Yes, it's memorialized. And, and no one will forget my, my seven points and three rebounds that day.
Tanner (01:51):
Seven more than I had.
Speaker 2 (01:53):
<laugh> <laugh>. So this is so, so this Aro podcast, you know, we're having conversations with the people who strive to live intentionally. And so Tanner, you and I, we went to high school together. We didn't talk for 20 ish years, 20 years. And you know why? No, I'm just kidding. We just didn't talk for 20 years. Why? Uh, I'm not sure. I don't know. I think I got jealous of you. You, you, it was me. That's right. It was probably me. And, you know, we launched, Aro, and then I see, and I, I'd followed Tanner and Tanner's out there doing just amazing, amazing work. You're doing incredible work for families, kids, tech awareness, all that kind of stuff. And so we connected, we've rekindled our, uh, our friendship of years, and here we are right now at Bolt Farm Treehouse in Whitwell, Tennessee, uh, hanging out. And it's been so much fun spending time with you and Dani, your wife. Um, so man, I would love to get for everybody listening here. What, what is your, you know, what are you about? Just, you know, what is your thesis? You're out, you do, you're very missional focused and, um, and you're out doing out doing great work. So like what is in the essence of what you're about?
Tanner (02:55):
Yeah. So first of all, thank you for having me out to Bolt Farm's. I, um, the whole Aro team, this experience has been phenomenal. Um, and I always tell kids, the people who you surround yourself matters. And being here with your team and seeing how y'all interact is absolutely incredible. And you can see why Aro and this is so successful, it's because of people you've surrounded yourself with. But, um, so I help teenagers. I, um, for the last 10 years, I've, I've worked with teenagers, help teenagers, and so I go into schools and churches, and I speak to teens about helping them live their best life and reach their potential. And the reality of our world today is there's so many things that are attacking teenagers and keeping 'em from living from living that, that potential. And so, and I, I think really if you, if you ask any teenager or even any adult, and you say, Hey, what, what's the thing that is hurting you the most right now?
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I bet that it almost always ties back to the moment they put that smartphone in their pocket. Well, it always ties back to that, whether it's it's anxiety, depression, it's feelings of comparison or not feeling adequate enough or self-doubt. All of it ties back to the moment they put that smartphone in their pocket. And so I go in and I help teenagers recognize what these devices are doing to their brain, help 'em understand it, and then I help 'em find their second of strength to overcome it. And a second of strength, I just believe that there is one moment with anything you wanna do, that you can overcome it. And it just takes one single second of strength to take that step, to advance your life, to delete TikTok, to put your phone away, whatever it is. And that is the moment that's gonna change your life forever.
Joey (04:38):
That, that is an amazing - I do have chills - that is an amazingly powerful concept. I reference it all the time. Second of strength, I always give you credit, but it's, um, but that second of strength, it really is powerful because that is what it takes. It just, it takes a little moment of this clear headedness and bravery to do that. And I'm curious, as you, as you roll that out for people, I, I assume a lot of that is them believing that that's possible. It, it's almost like you say these things. Oh, yeah, that's great. Until you see like, no, it actually is possible. Like, as you're doing that, I'd love to hear a little bit about maybe some stories. Like what is, what is that, what's the impact? What are the, the stories you've heard, um, around that in, um, and good things that have happened as, as a result of people hearing that message?
Tanner (05:25):
Yeah. You know, there was a couple, I think it was last year, I don't know if you remember, in California, there was a bear on a wall. Yeah. And, uh, and this bear was attacking all of these dogs, this backyard in California. And this teenager runs out into this video and pushes this bear off the wall. And I can imagine this lady, this girl, she was teenager. She was sitting there going, these dogs are dead. Like, this is not gonna happen. Like, I'm not doing anything. And then she found that second, right? Wow. And she ran out and she pushed that thing off the wall. Well, a brown bear. I don't know how you do that. Like, I'm, I'm not doing that, but, um, but I think that's what it is, right? Yeah. If you think about these little dogs that are being attacked, right?
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, that's your self worth. That's, that's who you are, that's your belief. And social media is, is attacking that. Mm-hmm. Every single day. And even subconsciously, it's attacking it because that's what the phone is designed to do. It is designed at its core level to go after your Olympic system to release dopamine into your brain. And you have to fight back on that every single day. And if you don't, it's gonna continue to take you. Wow. And so this girl, she pushes that bear off of this wall and saves the dogs, and everyone lives happily after, after. I think, I don't, I don't actually know if they did or not, but, um, but that's what a second of strength is. Yeah. It's, it's this moment. And I think that that teenagers, you know, the, the brain isn't fully developed yet. So they are not thinking rationally.
They're not thinking logically, and they don't necessarily believe that they have the power to do whatever it is they want to do. Right. And so there's this process of helping them believe in themselves enough to overcome whatever they are dealing with to have hope in a future, to have hope in the world. Because the reality is, is the teenage years, if you go from like middle school to high school, it's like 7% of your life, it's nothing. And it's gonna go by in about the blink of an eye. But when you're in that moment, right, or when you're in a hard time, whether you're an adult, you're a teenager, whoever you are, if you're in that moment, it feels like it lasts forever. And you like, how do you overcome the weight of the world? And, and it's not for us to judge whatever weight it is on somebody's shoulder, but, but everybody has something that they're going through, but it's momentary. It's just a second of time. Yeah. And if you can, if you can see beyond that, look to the horizon and know that you can overcome that, then your world is gonna change because you're not rooted in a moment. You're rooted in the rest of your life.
Joey (07:47):
Oh, gosh. That, that's, that. I, I've read a book recently, um, not to brag, um, but I, I read a book recently and it was talking about this, um, a structure book there, there's a concept called in media res. And what that means is it's when a book starts in the middle of a story, is that Latin? It, it's <laugh>, it's probably just mispronounced there, English, frankly. Um, but it's when a book starts in the middle of the, the beginning of the book is the middle of the story. And so then you progress the story and you do look backs all along the way. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I thought about that concept in our lives, that we mistake the middle of the story for the end of the story. We think it's the end of the story, but hold on just a second. You're just in the middle of it.
You know what I mean? And so kids, to that point, like giving them, believing in themselves, this is going to pass every storm in history has passed except for the one that's currently happening, right? That's right. And so when it's stormed, you don't know, but you gotta know, no, this is gonna pass like every other storm. So I'm, I'm curious, you, you were very specific on teenagers. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you said it, I help teenagers. Those, those your first two words, how did that come about? Like how did, how did you choose that? Or maybe how did that choose you?
Tanner (08:52):
Yeah, I mean, that's a great question. And, you know, I've just, uh, first of all, I have teenagers, which is, you know, I don't really know what I'm doing as far as a parent <laugh>. I can help other people's teenagers. I can't help my own teenagers. But, but there's just an affinity. And as I look back, I mean, we were teenagers together, right? Yeah. Yeah. As I look back, there were so many things that, that were hard. And it's harder now. And, and as I look at my ability to impact people or try and impact people mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I just have heart for, for teenagers who I know are struggling. And, you know, I'll get a text message from, from my daughter who's struggling in school, and she's struggling just the way another teenager is that I go and speak to. And so there's just this real life application. And as we look at anxiety and depression and suicide rates that are climbing across this country, and it's not, doesn't seem to be getting any better, although it can. Yeah. There's, there's need for people like, like me, people like you to, to step in and give hope in a, in a fairly dark world.
Joey (09:52):
Yeah. It's, it's funny you say that in, in preparing for this - one thing I've put about you is that you, you exist to bring hope. I mean, you're people, everybody listening needs to go to Tanner's Instagram feed. And it's just, it's just filled with hope. And it, I see it. I know you're speaking to teenagers, but I see it and it just, I just think, okay. Like, it's just great stuff. It really is. Like, it really does fill you up. Um, so this is a, maybe a basic question. Maybe it's dumb. You gotta be, you know, people are gonna listen to the show. They gotta be ready for dumb questions with me talking. But, um, why is it important to you to let people know they matter and they know there's hope? Like, what is that, that compels you to do that?
Tanner (10:34):
Yeah. I, you know, and even if I said to you right now, Joey and I, and I just said, you matter. Hmm. I hope you know that. Hmm. I hope you know I love you. I hope I know I care for you. I hope and I believe that it did something to your, your heart. It did. And the reality is, is there's so many teenagers who don't know that today, a teenager and anybody believes that, that parents love the thing that is closest to them. And in today's world teenagers think that that's their parents' cell phone. Like it's closer than the kids. Right. How many kids, how many times is the phone in between you and, and your own kid, right? Or how many times have you had your phone in your hand, your kid asks you a question and you say, just a minute.
Right? What's more important? And the kid doesn't know that you may be, you may be literally saving the world on your smartphone. Yeah. You might be doing something miraculous. Yeah. And that kid has no idea. They just know that it is way more important than I am. Wow. And which is the beauty of Aro as well, right? Because it, it creates those intentional moments. And so I think that teenagers, um, have the right to know and feel every single day. And if I, when I talk to parents, and I do parent nights as well, when I talk to parents, the kids need to, they need to hear, they need to see, and they need to feel that you love them every single day. And it's really hard to do that if, if holding your smartphone in your hand all the time.
Joey (11:56):
It's so true. It's, it's so convicting. We, you know, we talk about when you, when you put your phone down, when you put your phone in Aro, what you do is you're, you're bestowing value on everybody around you. And so that, that act in and of itself, and I'll, I'll dramatize it out and I'll say, Hey, kids, look at me. Look at Dad, put my phone like, you know, to get a little credit for myself. But it's true. I mean, you, you can actually make a production out of that. Anytime I do an Aro I do, I make a production as cheesy as is as it is to show them, like, no, you're more important to me than this. And I have plenty of stories of, you know, moments I've missed as a result that you describe. And it really is true. It's, and because I think anybody who's, any parent who's probably listening, or any parent who comes in here as you speak, they have an intention to be a great present parent. And there's an acknowledgement in all of this that it's hard, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's, it's very hard. I mean, you, you talk about, you were talking earlier when you and I were in high school, um, and we were teenagers. We didn't contend with smartphones, and it was still really hard to be a teenager. Right? And then you throw this thing on top of it, it, it probably does feel insurmountable for some kids. We
Aro Team Member (12:56):
We hope you're enjoying the show. Let's take a quick moment to hear from one of our members about how Aro is impacting their life.
Speaker 4 (13:02):
Our five-year-old daughter, she loves presence. I would say attention, but really what she is hungry for is just mommy and daddy being there with her. Um, which is, which is what we want, right? We as parents, uh, we want to be present with her. And so, um, you know, when Aro came into our home, and my wife and I started trying to be more conscientious, you know, this, this, um, beautiful device is sitting on the counter. It's calling out to us all the time. Like every time you walk past it, it's like, oh, you know, leave your phone here and go be present. And so we did start to see her developing patterns of like, Hey, daddy, um, why don't you put your phone in the box? She started to realize that the devices we were carrying around were key in us not being fully present in whatever we are doing at home.
Joey (13:52):
So this message of hope is, is really, really powerful. And so, um, as you're talking with people out there, what are, what are some things you've heard from kids, from parents after they hear you speak or they follow you, what, what are some things that you hear from the message?
Tanner (14:06):
Well, a lot of kids don't want to come to my presentations. <laugh>
Joey (14:09):
Tanner (14:09):
They're, they're either in school and they have to be there, or it's some church event, and their parents drag 'em to it. And without fail, like, the kids don't wanna be there. They think I'm just gonna tell 'em they have to delete TikTok, they have to delete Snapchat. And, and I make it a point in my presentations to say, I, I'm not gonna ask you to do that today. You might feel you need to delete these things or get them out of your life, but, but I'm not gonna make you do that. And many times after I talk with teenagers, they'll come up afterwards and they'll say, Hey, right while you were talking, I deleted TikTok because I realize I don't need that in my life. Or I had one mom come up to me and she said, all right, when you start talking, my son took his phone out and I was like, great.
he's not gonna listen to it all. And, you know, she was feeling like this, you know, she's, she's looking for hope and she's not finding hope because her son's on these devices. And, and she said she watched him and he just pulled out his phone and deleted TikTok right there in front of her at the beginning of the presentation. And, and so there's this like, sense of realization and their sense of hope. And I think that teenagers, many of 'em are struggling today. Many people, many adults, people are struggling and they don't know why. Like, they don't know what is taking hold of their lives. And so, part of what I do is really just help teenagers self recognize what is causing the pain in their life. And then help them overcome that and take that next step. Find their second of strength.
To delete it, get rid of it, whatever it is. And the, the tough part is, is that we're all human. And I always tell teenagers, it's okay. It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to struggle. It's okay to fall. It's okay. And I always tell 'em like, you're gonna leave here today with the best of intentions to be the best person to like, reach your potential, do all these things. You're gonna, you're gonna have this like, fire in you. And tomorrow you're gonna mess up. And I want you to know that's okay, first of all. Like, it's okay, everybody messes up. I mess up your parents mess up. Everybody messes up. But I want you to know that, that when you do, all you have to do is find your one second of strength and do it again, and train yourself to overcome that over and over and over again.
And that's where you find strength. You mentioned earlier that, that people are going through this dark time right now, and they've gone through other storms and there will be more storms, but the one they're in right now is the worst and it's never gonna end. Right. And they feel that, but the reality is, is that storm is the one that's gonna prepare you to get over the next storm and you don't know that in the moment but what you're going through right now today is the thing that is going to give you the power to overcome every other thing in your life. And someday you're gonna look back on that moment and you're gonna thank God that it, that it was there to help prepare you for everything else that you have to come.
Joey (16:50):
I mean, you're talking, you really are talking about building a muscle, helping people build a muscle. And I, and I love that, just that reorientation around, okay, yeah, I just did something or I messed up, or, or something. But okay. Find your second of strength. And if that's right where you go back to, that's a really powerful muscle that someone's able to build and they're able to overcome that. I was talking with, um, Clay, who's on our team who's, who's a Marine, and he was telling me about officer candidate school and just how absolutely brutal it was and the times he wanted to quit. And I said, so in that, did that provide context for you for the rest of your life? He goes, oh, he goes, basically every situation I'm in, I think back on that, well, I did that. I can do this. And it's the same thing you're talking about. I overcame that storm. This is a new storm. I've been through this before. Yeah. Wind may be blown a different direction this time. Maybe, you know, maybe a little bit, um, a little bit different than the last time, but it's still a storm and I've been through that.
Tanner (17:39):
You've always weathered it. Yeah.
Joey (17:41):
Yeah. That's exactly right. So how I, I'm curious as a dad, and you have, you have four kids?
How do you, practically, it's one thing stand on a stage, you're a great communicator, and then, but when you bring it home, what are some of the real practical ways that you are communicating this to your kids on a consistent basis? Where it's not an hour on a stage where it's just you're with them, you know, every day. So maybe they're, they're actually two questions there. One of them, how did you transition when they were young? It's a little bit different. Zero to 10, and then, you know, 10 to 15, 16 is your oldest. So tell me about that and on how you, how you've "Dadded" through, through all that.
Tanner (18:20):
Is that a thing?
Tanner (18:21):
<laugh> one time I "dadded" <laugh>. I dunno. I, uh, you know, I think most of the things I talk about and, and I heard somewhere that you are, you are best equipped to help the person you once were. And I think that there's times where I haven't been a great dad. There's times where I haven't been a great husband. There's times where I just haven't been a great person, and I've been able to overcome that. And so I see in my kids a lot of the things that I, I see in myself, you know, that, that, you know, I, I've overcome these things. I can, I can try and help, but what it comes down to ultimately is, is kids are going to do what they see. Yeah. And so I try to be as intentional as I can when I walk in the door, I try and be present as much as possible.
And, um, I had an experience not long ago, my youngest daughter, she's now 10 years old, but she's the daughter who, um, who gets outta bed all the time and complains about something, right? Like my stomach hurts, my toe hurts. Like things, things where, as a dad, you're like, go to bed. Like, what is wrong with you? Go to bed. Your toe is fine, <laugh>. And, uh, this one day I was, I was in my room, I was actually kneeling by the bed. I had my phone in my hand and I could see her outta the corner of my eye, out of bed 15 minutes after I put her there. She shouldn't have been there. And I had this moment of like, kind of exasperation, like, what are you doing? I was like, Quincy, what's wrong?
And, um, she told me, her toe hurt that day. And I said, all right, come here. And usually I would just give this quick like cursory hug and send her off to bed. But today was different for some reason. And I, I threw my phone across the bed and I made a commitment right there that I was gonna hug her as long as it took until she let go. And she hugged me for five minutes. And I had this realization in that moment that we have to love our kids as much as they need to be loved. Not as much as we need to be loved. And because if it was up to me that day, I would've held her for literally two seconds and I would've sent her off like I had done a thousand times before.
But today, I made that commitment to just love her. And mentally it changed everything for me because I realized one, every kid is different. We know that, but, but, but she needs more. And she needs more outta me. And maybe my son doesn't need that. Yeah. Maybe he does just need a quick eight second hug or whatever it is, and go back to bed, but she needs more. And so when we start to realize that with our kids and realize how we can help them each individually and differently, we unlock this power as parents to where we can literally help change them and shape their lives. And I think back to that moment and all the moments since then, if I hadn't loved her as much as she needed to be loved, then what does she feel? How important is she if I'm not loving her in the way that she individually needs it?
Joey (21:24):
Gosh, you told me that story a couple of months ago, and I did the exact same thing with my daughter. I actually tried to make it a practice, and you were totally right. It's here I am giving eight second hugs, and they need two minuters. They need three minuters. And it is generally, it's funny, it's more my daughter than my son. And it's, that's a powerful practice. And it's such a communication to them that like, hey, you're not gonna get rid of my love. Like, I'm here. I'm, I'm here nonstop.
Tanner (21:50):
My teenager is four second hugs and she ducks out of the way really quick. And like, I have to like, squeeze her on the way down to the ground <laugh> and it doesn't really work. But, but I won't stop. Right? And every once in a while, there's been moments where she's had a tough day and you hug her and it's not four seconds, it's longer and she melts into your arms, you know, because you're your dad and you've set that precedence of like, I'm here for you. I love you. And that comes from being just always intentional with your, with your family, with your kids.
Joey (22:22):
There's a, a guy named Billy Phoenix, um, who's a,
Tanner (22:25):
I wish my name was Billy Phoenix.
Joey (22:26):
Isn't that a great name? Yeah. I know that sounds pretty awesome. Yeah. Billy Phoenix, he, um, he has a great line and he says that that quality time only comes through quantity time. And so you don't know when, when that hugs gonna be a five minuter, but if you're, if you're there present, ready to do that, you're not gonna miss it when that moment comes up. You can't plan that. You can't plan around a, a great conversation. You have to be there. Aro, the term Aro means to notice, you have to be in constant notice mode. Okay. What are you reading? You saw something was a little bit off with Quincy that day, and so you, when you recognized it, and I love what you said, you threw your phone across the room and you took that moment to notice and it was there, and that moment's gonna come up again, then maybe a bunch of eight second hugs, you know, until the next one happens, but it's gonna happen again. I love that. Um, okay, so I'm, I'm curious, so this is, this is a question we're gonna, we're gonna ask everyone, Aro, we talk about Aro meaning less screen time and more real life. So I'm gonna ask you an intentionally broad question. What is, what does that line mean to you? Less screen time, more real life.
Speaker 1 (23:25):
So I believe that the happiest moments of your life, the memories we have, it's when you are truly living life. Nobody ever like this, this statement has never happened in the history of the world. No one's ever been like, Hey, man, remember that one time I was looking at my phone and it was awesome. I wanna do that again. <laugh>. Like, that's not a real phrase. Nobody ever says that. Because we do look at our phones and we might laugh at a meme or whatever it is, but it's not, it's not real. It's not real time. Right. And so to me, Aro represents this, this opportunity of putting your phone down, being intentional and living in the moments. Because when I look back at my life, it's, it's, the best times are when I've been on family vacations. When I've been, you know, laughing and my stomach hurts and, you know, but that, all of those things, all of those moments, those real life moments and memories, they happen when we don't have our phone in our hands.
Joey (24:23):
I love that. You've given a bunch of meat here on the, uh, some good practical stuff. But I want to hear, so if you had three practical things and just three things that someone listening today could walk away with, even if it's a concept or an action, what are three things that you would tell somebody today?
Tanner (24:40):
Yeah. The first is, I, I think that we need to, as a person, as an individual, as a society, we have to recognize and stop letting the digital devices in our lives steal our happiness because they are. Right. They are. And, the sooner we recognize that, the sooner we recognize the second thing, which is that we're in control of our lives and too many times a smartphone, other things take us out of this like world of control. And we have to realize and recognize that we have the power. It comes back to the second of strength. We have the power to overcome anything in our life. And it might look insurmountable, it might look like Mount Everest, but I promise it's not because everybody who climbs Mount Everest, everybody who climbs or does anything difficult in their life, starts with that one step.
That one inch, that one moment, that one second of strength, and that's all you have to do. And then last but not least is, is you just have to know that you're enough. And that the potential that you have, it's already inside of you. It's already there. You just have to be willing to let it come out. And so you might believe that there are things holding you back. You might believe that, that you're not good enough. That you're, you know, I wasn't good enough to move on beyond freshman basketball, you know, like I wasn't good enough. But, but like you might believe that you don't have what it takes. Hmm. But you do. Yeah. And when you, when you believe that, and when you start to believe that even just a, a little bit, it unlocks a world of potential that, that otherwise you might not realize, but that potential is already deep down inside of you.
Joey (26:18):
What if, what if people had that? What if they had that embedded even just, you're right. Even just a, a shadow of that concept. What if they had that embedded? That a world changer if people do that.
Tanner (26:26):
Yeah, absolutely. And, and the problem is, especially with teenagers who haven't had maybe as much life experience, is that they feel like one small misstep or one small, you know, challenge is, is pushing them away from that self-belief. Yeah. And, and we have to just slowly start to build that back and recognize that, that we do have it, we have it deep inside of us, and it's just waiting to come out.
Joey (26:53):
Wow that's so good. All right. So people listening I'm sure are gonna wanna know how do they follow you if they wanna book you to speak? What should people do if they want to follow you and be in contact with you?
Tanner (27:02):
Yeah. The easiest way is to find me on Instagram at @realtannerclark dot, uh, not.com, just @realtannerclark. You can do.com if you want. You won't find me. <laugh> <laugh> @realtannerclark a nd, um, on there, the link in my bio, you can, um, you can click it. And that's the best way to invite me to your school to speak.
Joey (27:21):
I love it. Um, and you should just, I mean, as someone who follows you, people need to follow you. It's, it's just such good messages of hope and it's great stuff if you're a parent. It's just, it's just good stuff that everybody needs to hear. Um, you said to be, as we're closing out, you said something the beginning that I love, and it says, the people you surround, your yourself with matters. And I will tell you that you make me better as a person by being your friend, by following you. You make a lot of people's lives better. So like, you're the type of dude that I want in my life because you just make me better. It's, it's just a sharpening. And so it's funny how it's been a, a circuitous route to, to, uh, you know, 25 years of knowing each other. So glad we're in contact. But I just wanna, I just wanna thank you, man. I wanna thank you for what you're doing for people, for teens, for parents, um, and you're making people better and myself included. So I appreciate you.
Tanner (28:07):
I appreciate you. And you know, people can't, you know, see me cry on here, but I'm about to.
Joey (28:12):
<laugh> <laugh>. We'll hug it out. In fact, this is very appropriate. Tanner has on his shirt that has a bear on it. And then it says, hug in the middle. So I have a feeling we got a big bear hug coming up here. It's coming right after. So thank you, brother. Appreciate you being on. Thank you.
If you're anything like me, you left that interview with Tanner, ready to run through a brick wall. Go hug on your kids. Go tell kids they have worth what an amazing, amazing thing that he's doing. If you wanna learn more about Tanner, go find him at @realtannerclark on Instagram. Follow him. Give him some likes, give him some comments. And we will also post more info about Tanner in the episode description. Thanks for joining us. We will talk to you next time. The Aro podcast is produced and edited by the team at Palm Tree Pod Co. Special thanks to Emily Miles for video and digital support.