5 stats to make you think twice about your relationship with your phone

Our phones are amazing. They connect us with information and people in every corner of the globe, but that has come at the cost of connecting with the people right next to us. We always say, “when you change your relationship with your phone, you change your relationship with everyone around you…including yourself.” Here are a few shocking stats that may have you reevaluate your relationship with your phone so you can focus on the relationships with those around you.
1. 79% of married couples admit technology distracts them from connecting with each other. On top of that, only 22% report being satisfied with how much intentional “couple time” they spend together. (Lasting App)
Husbands, wives, moms, dads - we've all been there. The day is winding down, work is done, the kids are asleep, and it is finally time to relax. We sit down on the couch and instead of talking with each other, we grab our phones and start scrolling. Thomas Rhett said it best in his song Country Again - "I traded sunsets with my wife for hours on my phone. And even when I was right beside her, I still wasn't really home."
2. 86% of users check their phones even if they are talking to friends and family. (BankMyCell, 2021).
It's one thing to pick up your phone mid-conversation, but picking up your phone is also contagious to everyone around you. We've written about the yawn effect where you are more likely to pick up your phone when someone around you does. The good news is it goes the other way. The act of putting down your your phone can cause others to do the same.
3. 52% of teens sit around in silence, staring at their smart phones for extended periods when they are together with friends. (Screen Education)
We hear story after story of sleepovers completely transformed when everyone puts down their phones. Kids understand the impact their phones have on their relationships and are yearning for a solution. They are also the ones turning Aro time into a competition with their parents.
4. 57.4% of people use their phone during dates. (Reviews.org)
We've all seen it or been guilty of it. It's date night, we sit down at the table...and out comes our phone. A quick tip to prevent this is to hand your phone over to your partner. You won't be tempted to reach for it, they will think twice about reaching for theirs, and you will both enjoy quality time together.
5. 32.7% of people admit to spending more time on their phones, instead of their partner. (Reviews.org)
When you stop and think about it, it makes sense because our phones are with us all the time. In fact, 91% of us have them within arm's reach all day. Creating a little distance from your phone can help, and we can tell you from experience that the act of putting your phone away shows your partner you value them.