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A phone leaning against an Aro box with the Aro app displaying

IMPORTANT - Activating the App account

You can download and install the Aro app before your Home device is delivered. Your Aro membership covers everyone in the house so invite them to your account from the app and turn phone-free time into a fun group activity.

Get the app


It's as simple as unboxing and plugging it in. Install the app and place your phone inside the device to start tracking time spent away from phone. No pairing necessary.

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mother comforting daughter on phonemother comforting daughter on phone

Dealing with FOMO: 5 Ways to Help Your Teen Escape Social Media Pressure

Dealing with FOMO: 5 Ways to Help Your Teen Escape Social Media Pressure

Here’s a guide on how you can help your teenagers get away from the clutches of FOMO and turn into JOMO - the Joy of Missing Out. 

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