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We started Aro for our own families and we want to help yours.

It’s no secret that screen time is one of the biggest issues facing families today. And we’re not just talking about the kids! Joey and I both struggle with this amazing, captivating, infinitely-powerful tool that we call a smartphone.

We knew something had to change. We wanted to be better for our families and we wanted our families to be better.

So we created Aro. Aro leverages the science of habit formation and motivational design to ensure parents and kids don’t miss out on what’s most important by helping reclaim time spent on their phones.

We've seen the benefits in our own families, and now we want you to experience Aro in yours.

Heath Wilson & Joey Odom

Aro Ambassador

Tyler Ash

Husband | Father of 4

Yorktown, VA

Tyler Ash

My name is Tyler, and my wife is Mary Ellen. I serve as a student pastor at our church, while Mary Ellen is a homeschooling mom. We have four kiddos: Emily (19), Lucy (17), Lincoln (12), and Ainsley (9). Our family is active, fun, engaged in the community, and we have lots of fun together! We are the #Ash6.

Q&A with

Do you have a moment when you realized your phone was getting in the way of what’s important to you?

I had moments and conversations. At times I found myself frustrated with one of my kids when all they wanted from me was my attention and engagement. When those moments happened, I felt like I had dropped the ball and knew they deserved better from me than they were consistently getting. I wasn't a bad dad, but I had plenty of room to grow. There were also times when I would be so lost in the screen that I didn't even notice opportunities missed, and my wife would bring them to my attention in an end-of-day check-in conversation. After a while, I realized I had to take action to choose my kids over dumb distractions and a screen that wasn't adding value.

What attracted you to Aro?

I was first made aware of Aro through reading some of Justin Whitmel Earley's books and hearing him share about it on his Instagram account. I liked that Aro wasn't punitive but felt like an intentional and lighthearted approach to changing habits. Prior to using Aro, I hoped that it would be a natural way for my family to prioritize relationships over devices, and I haven't been disappointed. It made the call to "put down the phone" feel more like an invitation than a punishment.

What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever received?

Don't be careless with the hearts of others and don't tolerate anyone who is careless with yours.

What’s your favorite book?

I'd go Bible at number one...there are a bunch of other potentials for second place...I love The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs. I also love Endurance by Alfred Lansing. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis is a classic. I try to read a book a week on average, so this is a tough one.

What are some of your favorite activities to do when you do put down your phone?

My family lives in an area that offers great spaces to explore and see, so one of my favorite things is when we can do that - historical sites, beaches, wooded trails, etc. Sometimes it's our whole crew and sometimes it ends up being a one-on-one trip with one of my kids (We call those "fun-ventures"). I lived in Kansas City for five years and took on the hobby of prepping KC BBQ and hosting others for big BBQ meals. I also love doing yard work (this is a total dad answer...I know.). I have a ton of interests, but most of them boil down to two questions: 1. Does it produce anything of worth? 2. Can I share it with family/friends?

A woman wakes up in bed. The Aro is in the foregound on a low table.A medium shot of a woman reading in bed. The Aro is on a night stand beside her.

Give yourself some
digital space.

Find better phone-use rhythms so you can focus on a world outside of your phone.