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We started Aro for our own families and we want to help yours.

It’s no secret that screen time is one of the biggest issues facing families today. And we’re not just talking about the kids! Joey and I both struggle with this amazing, captivating, infinitely-powerful tool that we call a smartphone.

We knew something had to change. We wanted to be better for our families and we wanted our families to be better.

So we created Aro. Aro leverages the science of habit formation and motivational design to ensure parents and kids don’t miss out on what’s most important by helping reclaim time spent on their phones.

We've seen the benefits in our own families, and now we want you to experience Aro in yours.

Heath Wilson & Joey Odom

Aro Ambassador

Micah Folsom

Wife | Mom of 6

Small farm in Southeast Idaho

Micah Folsom

I’m Micah Folsom, a farm wife to a cattle rancher + large animal veterinarian & homeschool mom of 6 in Southeast Idaho. Family is everything to me and living life to the fullest is something that drives everything I do alongside motherhood.

I’m the host of the Do Your Crap Podcast, creator of the Ignite Your Life business course & group coaching program, co-owner of Folsom Farm Beef, and health & wellness coach + business mentor. Over the past 10 years, I've been a top leader in the network marketing space, partnering with BODi. I’m a huge advocate for network marketing and big believer that women can live multi-passionate lives and still honor their family values. Each of us have heart tugs to follow that are paving the way for us to live out our full potential and be the light we're meant to be in this world.

Most importantly, I cherish family time and living life on purpose. As we’re living out the life we love as a family, it lights my soul up being able to help women create lives that feel joyful and in alignment with their values and priorities so they’re not sacrificing precious moments with family or the things they love in order to reach success at the expense of everything they care about most.

Q&A with

What made you have a passion for helping women achieve their fitness goals?

I found myself lost in my own to-do list over 10 years ago and kind of lost myself in motherhood as well. When I started to prioritize my own health and fitness, I felt so empowered to show up in life with more energy and intention. It expanded my capacity to handle what life was throwing at us and lit a fire within me to share that same gift with as many women who needed that internal light reignited as I did. Fitness was the first anchor that has led to so many lifestyle shifts over the years and I know how life-changing it can be and love getting to be a part of that ripple effect in people’s lives.

What is your favorite vacation you have been on and why?

Ohhh this is tricky! I loved both of my Hawaii trips to Maui and Kauai. I also absolutely loved a trip I took with my husband and coach friends to Mykonos, Greece. There was so much adventuring to do there and the food was amazing! And another favorite was the countryside in Normandy, France. It was such a beautiful country and the butter and bread there was a dream!

What has Aro allowed you to accomplish while you were disconnected from your phone?

Aro is that gentle reminder to fully BE where my feet are with the people I love. Building a business where sharing our life on social media has been such a huge part of the process, it’s the perfect reminder that you can share and be intentional and still have fully unplugged time every single day that no one ever needs to know about, filled with undocumented treasures only meant for you to remember.

If you have a free week, where would you be and what would you be doing?

Probably up at our cabin in Island Park spending time on the lake & boating with family. Of course, a couple's trip to Hawaii would be awesome too. :) If I had to pick one or the other I would definitely pick the lake with family - slow-paced days at the cabin filled with long nights playing card games and chatting into the wee hours of the night.

Do you have a moment when you realized your phone was getting in the way of what’s important to you?

There’s been a few different moments when the distraction of my phone definitely made my kids feel like they were competing with a device and I never want them to feel that way. While my phone is what has allowed us to build a life we love, there’s also a time and a place for it to go away and I love how Aro helps me build that habit to put it away and connect even deeper with the people in front of me that matter most.

A woman wakes up in bed. The Aro is in the foregound on a low table.A medium shot of a woman reading in bed. The Aro is on a night stand beside her.

Give yourself some
digital space.

Find better phone-use rhythms so you can focus on a world outside of your phone.