Aro Ambassador
Lisa Burns
I'm Lisa, and I'm part of a fantastic family of 7, with our kids ranging from 13 to 6. We're a homeschooling bunch, managing our own businesses, actively involved in our local community, and just a generally creative and outdoorsy crew.
Q&A with
Do you have a moment when you realized your phone was getting in the way of what’s important to you?
I did not like the distraction of looking at the phone during meal times instead of carrying on conversations or being more interested in checking social media than pursuing the company of the people in the room.
What attracted you to Aro?
I like the ability to track screen-free time, the attractiveness of the box, and the space to hold several devices at once. I like that it would be a family-wide push to spend more time untethered to screens.
What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever received?
Be present in the moment you are in and look for ways to be grateful right now.
What’s your favorite book?
Too many! I love books by Jane Austen, Andrew Peterson, L. M. Montgomery, and others.
What are some of your favorite activities to do when you do put down your phone?
Play games as a family, create something, and spend time outside.