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We started Aro for our own families and we want to help yours.

It’s no secret that screen time is one of the biggest issues facing families today. And we’re not just talking about the kids! Joey and I both struggle with this amazing, captivating, infinitely-powerful tool that we call a smartphone.

We knew something had to change. We wanted to be better for our families and we wanted our families to be better.

So we created Aro. Aro leverages the science of habit formation and motivational design to ensure parents and kids don’t miss out on what’s most important by helping reclaim time spent on their phones.

We've seen the benefits in our own families, and now we want you to experience Aro in yours.

Heath Wilson & Joey Odom

Aro Ambassador

Laura Brownstein

Wife | Mom of 4

Leesburg, VA

Laura Brownstein

Hey there! I'm Laura, born and raised in Louisiana, but I've been calling northern Virginia home since 2004. I've been married for almost 19 years, and we're a family of six with two teenagers and two tweens. I homeschool my middle two kids, while our oldest is in private school, and our youngest is attending public elementary school.

Q&A with

Do you have a moment when you realized your phone was getting in the way of what’s important to you?

Yes! It was actually back in 2013 when I noticed my phone and social media would take me away from time with my kids.

What attracted you to Aro?

I listened to a podcast episode with the founder of Aro, and it interested me to try it out. I thought the competition for the family would motivate our kids to want to put their phones away and spend time with each other or exploring and trying out new things.

What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever received?

Sometimes, the most spiritual thing that a mom can do is take a nap.

What’s your favorite book?

The Red Tent

What are some of your favorite activities to do when you put down your phone?

Lots of things! Read a book, watch a movie with my husband and kids, talk with a friend, go for a walk, ride my bike, or row on the rowing machine.

A woman wakes up in bed. The Aro is in the foregound on a low table.A medium shot of a woman reading in bed. The Aro is on a night stand beside her.

Give yourself some
digital space.

Find better phone-use rhythms so you can focus on a world outside of your phone.