Aro Ambassador
Abby McIntyre

Hello! I'm Abby, a homemaker and homeschooling mama of three in Charlotte, NC! My family is deeply involved in our local church, and we love practicing hospitality by welcoming others into our home. Being a part of the "Facebook generation," breaking my phone addiction has been extremely challenging. My husband Brian and I are looking forward to seeing how Aro can transform our family generationally!
Q&A with
Do you have a moment when you realized your phone was getting in the way of what's important to you?
Frankly, I've known that my phone has been affecting my life for far too long. I used it for work for a long time, and then it became a crutch, even after I was full time at home with my kids. I’m ready for a change!
What attracted you to Aro?
I heard about Aro on the 1000 Hours Outside podcast. We've been working on achieving 1000 hours as a family for two years now, and Aro seemed like a helpful next step towards family connectedness.
What is your favorite vacation you have been on and why?
My husband and I met in Northern California and fell in love with the area! We traveled back there two summers ago when I was pregnant with our second, and we were able to relive many special memories. We'd move back in a heartbeat!
What is your favorite movie to watch with your family?
Our family doesn't watch much TV, but our favorite movies are The Sound of Music and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers!
What's been your favorite part about motherhood so far?
My favorite part about motherhood so far is actually the season I'm in right now—homeschooling my oldest with little people running around. These are truly the days I've been dreaming of my whole life.